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    Anti-Stress Diet


    Posts : 55
    Join date : 2009-08-31

    Anti-Stress Diet Empty Anti-Stress Diet

    Post  theresalee Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:38 am

    Anti-Stress Diet, Just Gotta Try It!
    Anti-Stress Success

    It’s the start of a brand new year. One of your New Year resolutions is to stop being so lazy and not to procrastinate anymore (yeah right, like that will ever happen). Yet you begin to slack off in all your classes again. You might as well be nocturnal since you spend so much time at night working on schoolwork, like that essay due tomorrow that was assigned a month ago for which you have only written your standard MLA formatted header. You get little to no hours of sleep and resort to chugging down some Rockstar the next day to keep yourself from falling asleep.

    Sound familiar? Stress can be overwhelmingly unhealthy to your lifestyle if not properly monitored. According to studies, the more stressed out you are, the more vulnerable you are to colds and diseases. And it doesn’t help your mental or your physical health that you aren’t eating the right foods to help deal with the stress of AP classes, clubs, extracurricular, finals, grades, sports, teams, and everything else in between. To help ease the stress, here are some food tips to keep you on your toes and keeps the stress away:

    Watch what you drink. Try avoiding high caffeine drinks such as coffee, certain tea, energy drinks, and soda. Even though they may give you an initial energy rush, it may result in crashing soon afterwards. Herbal tea, milk, water, or juice are healthy replacements because they provide bodies with nutrients that stress depletes.

    Vitamins are a definite in. Being stressful can eat up your body’s vitamins so eating foods high in vitamin will keep your body running. Fruits such as blueberries, cantaloupe, and citrus and also vegetables like broccoli and potatoes are especially stocked with vitamin C. Vitamin B is found plentiful in foods including but not limited to beef, fish, cereal, yogurt, pasta, berries, and bread.

    Eat Fresh Subway. Supplying your body with fresh foods allows your liver to function with greater efficiency, which helps your body maintain its balance. Again, fresh fruits and vegetables would be suitable. Salads are an excellent choice as they are an excellent source of all things fresh and are also rich in magnesium and fiber.

    Stay away from the fats and junks. Though at the moment, a slice of pizza or fries may seem like a fast and reasonably good choice of a quick meal and energy restorer, the amounts of saturated fats is highly unhealthy towards your body. Once in a while is alright, but eating junk food daily will build up an unhealthily lifestyle which only leads to more stress.

    Posts : 55
    Join date : 2009-08-31

    Anti-Stress Diet Empty Re: Anti-Stress Diet

    Post  theresalee Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:32 pm

    Anti-Stress Diet, Just Gotta Try It!
    Anti-Stress Success

    It’s the start of a brand new year. One of your New Year’s resolutions is to stop being so lazy and not to procrastinate anymore. Yeah right, like that will ever happen. You begin to slack off in all your classes again. You might as well be nocturnal since you spend so much time awake at night working on schoolwork and all day sleeping in classes. Homework and projects start piling up and you begin to wonder if you will ever have a moment where you are not stressed out about your life.

    Sound familiar? Stress can be overwhelmingly unhealthy to your lifestyle if not properly monitored. According to studies, the more stressed out you are, the more vulnerable you are to colds and diseases. And it doesn’t help your mental or your physical health that you aren’t eating the right foods to help deal with the stress of AP classes, clubs, extracurricular activities, finals, grades, sports, teams, and everything else in between. To help ease the stress, here are some food tips to keep you on your toes and keeps the stress away:
    Watch what you drink. Try avoiding high caffeine drinks such as coffee, certain types of tea, energy drinks, and soda. Even though they may give you an initial energy rush, drinking too much may result in an energy crash soon afterwards, leaving you more energy-less than you started with. Herbal tea, milk, water, and juice are healthy replacements because they provide bodies with nutrients that stress depletes.

    Vitamins are a definite in. Being stressful can eat up your body’s vitamins so eating foods high in vitamin will keep your body running. Fruits such as blueberries, cantaloupe, and different kinds of citrus and also vegetables like broccoli and potatoes are especially stocked with vitamin C. Vitamin B is found plentiful in foods including, but not limited to, cereal, yogurt, pasta, berries, bread, beef, and fish.

    Subway. Eat fresh Supplying your body with fresh foods allows your liver to function with greater efficiency, which helps your body maintain its balance. Again, fresh fruits and vegetables would be suitable. Salads are an excellent choice as they are an abundant source of all things fresh and are also rich in magnesium and fiber.

    Stay away from the fats and junks. Though at the moment, a slice of pizza or fries may seem like a fast and reasonable choice for a quick meal and energy restorer, the amounts of saturated fats are highly unhealthful towards your body. Once in a while is alright, but eating junk food daily will build up an unhealthily lifestyle which only leads to more stress.

    In essence, it is important to regulate your day-to-day diet because like everything else in life, you get out what you put in. Eating large amounts of junk foods and unhealthy snacks will decrease your productivity and only work against you. But eating smart will, in due course, reap beneficial results. Make food your friend, not your enemy!

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